The Kindergartners at Charles were able to put on a little musical with the 1st-2nd graders and Tay couldnt have been more excited!! We talked about it for a month! She decided that she wanted to be a carrott for the musical so we made this thing. hahaha She was adorable but it was a little restricting for a little girl who is always on the move!

Grandma Ingram drove all the way over from Indy for the the 20 minute production-Thank you!! It meant so much to Tay!

The Carrot and the carrot fan!

Sooo cute. I loved it! Ah, Kindergarten, the only time you can dress your kid up in a crazy costume and they still like you for it! There was a little girl with daisies on her head that sat right in front of Tay so you couldn't even see her during the program but I suppose thats ok.....

Halle, waiting so patiently for the program to begin She is such a fan!
From now on when I see a carrot I'll think of Taylor! She's the cutest!! And Hallie, such a doll :o)
What a cute, cute costume you made for her!!! That is talent, girl! Happy late b-day to Halle, she is such a cutie. I love the things you write about the girls, it makes me feel like I kinda know them even though we've met what, once?
I hope you are feeling better these days. You look good, and hey, your blogging so you must be feeling a little better, right? I hope so, it's hard enough to be a Mother of two, and pregnant, let alone sick!
3 Words: Cutest Carrot Ever!
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