This picture does not do it justice. Our trampoline was so weighed down from all of the ice/snow/ice/snow combo from the last couple of weeks. So they went out and jumped on it to break up the ice and super strong Greg took the huge ice pieces and threw them over the net. Fun to watch! By the way, Grant was screaming in this picture!
The ice storm started on Tuesday and the school systems had already canceled school for the day. Greg decided to close his office and went in and did paperwork during the day. Since Tay wasn't feeling so great anyway we just colored, watched a few movies, read books and relaxed. On Wednesday, the "officials" (whoever that is!) declared that we were on a level 3 wheather advisory and that only emergency vehicles were aloud on the roads. So since Greg was home we all just played, relaxed, and worked on some projects around the house. Greg went back to work on Thursday but school was canceled for the girls for the rest of the week. We did more of the same but we all genuinely enjoyed it. Church was even canceled on Sunday and we had our own little "church" in our family room. The girls loved it. :) We each gave a little talk and it was awesome!
Halle gave a talk on Temples and that she is glad that our family can be together forever, she even colored pictures to go with it. Cute!
Taylor read a story from the Friend magazine called "Beautiful", about a little girl who didn't like her freckles and wished that she looked like other girls who she thought were more beautiful. But then learned that Heavenly Father made her, and made her absolutly beautiful. And the girl decided to love herself because she is a daughter of God. Taylor said at the end that she loved reading the story and that she loves the freckles that Heavenly Father gave her because it makes her special. :) It was really, really sweet!
Greg just briefly explained "The Proclamation on the Family" given by our Church leaders and talked about how awesome it is to be in a family and what our different roles are. :)
I just read a couple of quotes I like about motherhood. I was talking with Halle the other day and she said that when she grows up that she is going to be a teacher! I said that she would be such a good teacher and that it would also help her to be a great mommy. She looked at me with such a confused look and said, "I cant be a mommy and a teacher, so I will just be a teacher!!" I thought I needed to do some clarifying on that issue. I told the girls that going to college and preparing themselves for a career is one of the most important things they can do, and that Heavenly Father wants them to do that! I also told them though that there will be nothing more important than being a mommy and that it will be the very best part of who they are and that it will help them to become who Heavenly Father inteded them to be. We talked about how I didn't finish my formal education before they came to me, but that when the time comes that I will finish it.
It was a great experience to have our little church at home. :)
wow, long post again. hahaha
Steph this post really touched me! Thank you for sharing.
love love love hearing what everyone talked about! that's so cute! Tay's talk made me a little teary...i hope she never takes her "sprinkles" granted!
Well, you got your wish. I remembering hearing you say how much you'd like to have 'home' church. What a great memory. Did you take pictures that day too? And yes, no question, the mommy job is the most important and the most rewarding!
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